
Aquacity Popradcongress hall: audio, lighting, projection technology, conference translation system Fotografie
INTEG Sládkovičovotheatre technology, scene lighting
Auditórium Vzdelávacieho centra
Mesta Žiliny v Gbeľanoch
predeľovacia zasúvacia stena, pódium,zatemnenie sály
STEEL ARÉNA KOŠICEvideocube construction
MsKS Veľký Mederpremietacie plátno + masky
Cinema Hviezda TrnavaProjections, Stage clothingFotografie
Multikiná MAX TrenčínProjection screens
Multikiná MAX PopradProjection screens
PSA Peugot Citroën TrnavaConference hall,complete installation and deliveryFotografie
DK Ilok Jugoslávie Delivery and installation of theatre machinery
Kultúrne centrum NazraňDelivery and installation of cinema technology
DKAH Ružomberok Reconstruction of treatre and cinema machinery Fotografie
Mestské Divadlo Žilina Reconstruction of cinema machinery
Polus City Centrum Cinema multicomplex
Uci Palace Aupark Cinema multicomplex
Praha Letňany Cinema multicomplex
Max Trnava Delivery and istallation of cinema canvases
Divadlo J.Palárika Reconstruction of theatre machinery
Spišské Divadlo Stage clothing
Hotel Fórum Bratislava Movable podium
STV KošiceDelivery of stage clothing
Dom Odborov Žilina Rrconstruction of stage pull machinery and ahového zariadenia and rooflining(grill) javiska rekonštrukcia estrádnej sály po požiari
KD F. Madiu Prievidza Reconstuction of theatre machinery, stage lighting, telescopic auditorium, installation of sound-insulation facing
MKS TrenčínDelivery and installation of stage equipment
DMS KomárnoReconstruction of theatre machinery
DMS NitraReconstruction of theatre machinery
KD KrompachyDelivery and installation of theatre technology,cinema technology
REDUTA LučenecDelivery and installation of stage clothing
MsKS KežmarokReconstruction of theatre machinery and stage lighting
Zlatý Býk MichalovceDelivery and installation of theatre technology
MKS MichalovceReconstruction of stage lighting
Kino 1.Máj VrútkyReconstruction of theatre machinery and stage lighting
KD Šaštín StrážeDelivery and installation of theatre machinery
KD Spišská Nová VecDelivery and installation of theatre machinery,cinema technology
KD ŠtrkovecDelivery and installation of theatre machinery
DK Krásno Nad KysucouNew building, installation of theatre machinery, stage lighting, cinema technology,air conduit
KD VinicaDelivery and installation of theatre machinery
KD KružnoDelivery and installation of theatre machinery
KD BrzotínDelivery and installation of theatre machinery
KD JoviceDelivery and installation of theatre machinery
KD JelkaDelivery and installation of theatre machinery
DK SvidníkDelivery and installation of theatre machinery